Welcome to Hibiscus Coast U3A

Join us for fun, learning and friendship

AGM 2025

This will be held at St Stephens Church, 10 am on 17 March

The AGM is not time consuming and we will have a main speaker, Graeme Rothwell, telling us about Russia and Ukraine as well as some brief talks from members. Click the button below to find out more about our speakers. 

What is U3A?

Formed in 1995, our U3A offers 20 groups for those in the Hibiscus Coast community who have retired or are semi-retired, to participate in new interests, learn new skills and meet members in relaxed environments, all the while expanding our knowledge and keeping our brains active

U3A was started in France in 1973 by Toulouse University as the University of the Third Age, and has since spread to many countries around the world.

The name refers to the concept of the First Age, childhood and education, followed by the Second Age, career and family development and involvement, and the Third Age, when the demands of the Second no longer define one's life and the person is enabled to pursue freely chosen interests.

The first U3A in NZ was formed in Remuera in 1989 and there are now 27 U3As in Auckland City, and 89 throughout New Zealand.

We are unable to call ourselves The University of the Third Age as in New Zealand the use of the word "University" is legally restricted to those institutions designated by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority so NZ U3As cannot use the word "University". We do not offer examinations or tests. Our learning is for enjoyment and gaining greater knowledge of the past and the world around us.

U3A Hibiscus Coast is entirely run by volunteers. Our Group Convenors and our Management Committee are all volunteers. Most of our meetings are held in the Pohutukawa Room at the Whangaparaoa Library, and in other local venues. Our fees are very low: $30 per person per year, or $50 for a couple per year. For this members can join any or all of our 20 groups, some of which meet fortnightly and some monthly. Some of us also meet to watch a recently released movie or go on field trips.

Members are also invited every second month to our General Meeting which is held in St Stephen's Hall in Stanmore Bay. At these meetings we have had guest speakers including academics from Auckland University and others who spoke on the topics ranging from The Treaty of Waitangi, Auckland's long term infrastructure needs, the Penan people of Borneo etc. There is usually complimentary tea and coffee at many of our meetings.

While our groups cover a lot of ground, we are always looking to add new groups to our repertoire.


Gavin addressing us during the first general meeting of 2025

November Hikoi 

Some of us walked over the bridge in November 2024

Film Discussion

Some of the group getting together for the final discussion of 2024