Interest groups January 2025

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." W.B. Yeats

This is a lively group appreciating art of all kinds and which occasionally embarks on trips to art galleries. 

Some members are artists but most enjoy learning about and appreciating art. We meet at 2pm in the Pohutukawa Room, Whangaparaoa Library on the second Tuesday of the month. 

Convenor: Trish Litherland

We are an enthusiastic group of avid readers. We meet every second Thursday of the month at the Peninsula Club. We all read the same two books and enjoy a lively discussion on them, which sometimes leads to wider issues and topics. 

 Some of the group borrow the books from the library - text or audio. Some download on their devices. A couple of people have moved out of the area and we would warmly welcome new members for the coming year. 

Convenor, Sheila Hussona 021 2032702.

There are no set books to read. Instead, members review a book they have read during the month. Members find this personal introduction to books very helpful when choosing their own next reading. If a member owns the book they are reviewing, it is often lent out around the group.

We meet at 9.45 on the third Friday of the month in the Peninsula Club. 

Convenor: Cheril Clarke,

This is a cheerful, fun-loving group where we exercise our brains at the same time. We are happy to teach you any games that are new to you. New members are welcome.

Meetings are on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 1.30pm in the Pohutukawa Room 

 Convenor: Aileen Horspool,

Meetings are ad hoc, depending on what is showing locally. We work with Hoyts Senior Mornings, usually a Tuesday at 10.00am for free coffee and morning tastes. If you are Hoyts member the charge is only $9 and for non members $10. We are supporting this kind gesture.

Any members who wish to come to these cinema mornings, please contact Trish. 

 Convenor: Trish Litherland,

We meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 10.00. For the first hour we usually discuss a set topic, based on a current issue from New Zealand or world-wide. 

After a coffee break at 11.00, time is devoted to topics or issues that are brought up by individual members. 

Convenors: Bob & Jenny Kelly

We discuss any films we have viewed together, plus any others deemed suitable, as well as recommended television shows. 

We meet at 10.30, on the last Friday of the month. New members are welcome! Venue: to be confirmed. 

Convener: Trish Litherland

In the History Group we cover the early centuries to recent times. We learn about events and people, famous, infamous and obscure. Members present their research and findings in the form of written, oral and screen presentations, and in images. 

You are welcome to just come and listen. We make time to discuss topics and to exchange views and ideas. We meet on the first and third Thursdays of the month from 10am to noon in the Pohutukawa Room. 

Convenor: Peter Gillmore

The Mahjong Group is for beginners with two instructors present to assist with learning.

Mahjong is held every first and fourth Monday of the month from 1.30 to 4.30pm in the Pohutukawa Room, Whangaparaoa Library. Mahjong is thriving to the extent that it now needs a 'Wait List'. Please contact Connie to have your name placed on it. If you are interested in playing with us, contact by text: 021 0686 967

Convenor: Connie Franklin,

Our group, Memoirs, is under way. It is designed for people who would like guidance in writing about their life an easy and fun way. This group will run for six months, after which people will be invited to join for another six-month course in memoir writing. 

We meet on the 4th Thursday of the month at 1.00 pm in the Pohutukawa Room. 

Convenor: Bronwyn Bryant 027 273 2290

We spend our time listening to and leaning about many genres of music. The emphasis is on classical music. Members are encouraged to introduce their favourite pieces, musicians or instruments. All are welcome to join us for fun and friendship. We meet on fourth Wednesdays at 10am in the Whangaparaoa Library.

Convenor: Peter Gillmore

Our group meets on the fourth Thursday of each month in the Recreation Room at The Palms, Puriri Road, Orewa at 10am. We are fortunate to have a good selection of plays by notable Playwrights. The play we will be reading this month is titled "The Cherry Orchard" by Anton Chekov. We now have sufficient members to take all the roles in the plays we possess. Our plays range from comedy to drama, also incorporating historic themes.

If you think this group could be of interest to you, please give me a ring and I will put you on a wait list and call you when there is a place available. 

Convenor: Barbara Tucker. Ph. 027 4279276 or 4279127

This group involves reading and responding to poems by famous poets as well as some non-compulsory poetry writing from prompts. We look at traditional poets, contemporary poets and song lyrics, giving rise to energetic discussion.

We meet every first Monday 10.30 to 12.00 in the Pohutukawa Room. 

Convenor: Maureen Jansen,

For more information

Quizzers are split into groups to tackle seven sets of questions. Each quiz session is $2 per head to cover hall hire, photocopying and afternoon tea. 

We meet at 2 pm at the Theosophical Hall in Orewa.  

Convenor: Gavin Whyte 021730444, email

The Science group has been expanded to Science and Philosophy.  Topics in December included aspects of climate change, the ethics of research and the philosopher Spinoza. In February we looked at the new AI model DeepSeek, string theory and the philosopher Henri Bergson. 

We meet every first Thursday in the Pohutukaw Room at 2 pm.  We look forward to a range of  stimulating topics in 2025. 

 Convenor: Jenny Casale

We make short films based on ideas brought by group members. It is all done by role play, so there are no lines to learn. 

We have lots of fun, planning and shooting. We are lucky to have the skills and experience brought by our convenors. Times are arranged by email. 

Convenors are Ian and Nancy Miller,

The purpose of this group is to learn how to look at a photo and how to take meaningful photos. Everyone is welcome. No experience required. A mobile phone is all you need to take really good shots. We share our photos on the big screen and members give helpful tips or just enjoy looking at what you have taken.

We meet on the third Wednesday of the month in the Pohutukawa Room from 10am to noon. 

 Convenor: Jeannetta Dearsley

Our Short Story Group previously focused on Russian short stories but is continuing as a fortnightly short story group looking at the works of famous short story writers, meeting on the first and third Wednesday of each month from 10 to 11.30 at the Pinehouse Cafe, Orewa. 

Convenors: Maureen Jansen or Peter Gillmore or

For more information

The group's aim is to help members gain an understanding of the background and implications of what is happening on the world stage. Members are asked to research aspects of a topic to share what they learn with other members.

Topics covered in March were Ukraine, Doge, The Regulatory Standards Bill and Project 2025.  

We meet on the first Friday of the month at 10 am in the Peninsula Club theatre, 441 Whangaparaoa Rd, Stanmore Bay. 

Conveners: Jill Everest, and Maureen Jansen,

The Travel Group meets to discuss aspects of travel. At most meetings, two members give a talk, usually accompanied by a slide presentation, on a trip they have taken. The range of amazing places people have visited makes this a very interesting group and promotes lots of questions from other members.

We meet on the second Monday of the month at 2.00pm in the Pohutukawa Room, Whangaparaoa Library. 

Convener: Sally-Ann Smith,

This is an enthusiastic and supportive group with varied levels of ability. A 500-word homework task is set for each meeting and a five-minute quick write happens as well. The writing ability of members improves and we have a lot of fun and laughs. 

We meet the first Friday of the month in the Peninsula club, gathering first in the Palm Court CafĂ© (straight through from Reception) at 10am. At 10.30 we move up to the Hibiscus room. 

Convener: Cheril Clarke,

Preparing for a presentation

For instructions on how to save an online image or copy photos etc to a USB stick (aka a memory stick) for presentations click on the buttons below..

The notes were contributed by Maureen and Jenny (2024) and may not apply to your device.